Ways to Manage Sensitive Teeth After Whitening

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Teeth whitening is employed for tooth surface stain removal and discolouration. For teeth whitening, there are various options and products which can be used at home or at a dentist’s office. But after whitening, many people experience teeth sensitivity. Majority of the patients suffer from tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity after the external tooth bleaching procedure which uses the traditional carbamide peroxide

For whitening, both bleaching and non-bleaching products are used. Whitening products include gels, whitening toothpastes, bleaching strips and mouth rinses. A dentist can apply teeth whitening products in his office or give one for home use.

What is Teeth Whitening Sensitivity?
Teeth can become sensitive during and after the use of peroxide-based bleaching agents. Due to this, patients can have enhanced responses to hot and cold drinks, sweet foods or aggressive tooth brushing resulting in short, sharp pain.

Ways to get relief
The sensitivity of the gums and teeth is mainly temporary and stops after the bleaching treatment. However, the frequency and severity of tooth sensitivity may depend on the techniques, quality of a bleaching product and a patient’s response to the bleaching materials and methods.

Several products or techniques are used for treating teeth sensitivity some of which are listed below:

  • Use a reduced concentration of a whitening product.
  • Avoid whitening for a prolonged period.
  • Use a prescribed gel or toothpaste.
  • Avoid cold and hot foods after whitening.
  • Use desensitizing agents 10 to 30 minutes before and after each bleaching.

If you are keen to undergo a teeth whitening procedure in Alliston, you should seek consultation from an established family dental practice. Dental experts from Dr. Parekh and Associates will help you choose the right whitening procedure and suggest you various options for reducing the feeling of sensitive teeth after whitening.

– Dr. Parekh & Associates 
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