Our Blogs

Welcome to the new website for Dr. Parekh & Associates! We are so excited to share with you our new platform to learn about our team, share our services, hear your feedback and more. Our dedicated and caring team of nine is led by Dr.Parekh. Our team takes the time to get to know our
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Meet Dr. Deen, one of our dentists. Dr. Deen graduated in 2003 from the Dentistry program in India. He worked as a clinical instructor and lecturer in a dental school in India to further develop his skills. In addition Dr. Deen also owned his own private practice in India which gave him the opportunity to
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Are you an anxious patient? Are you looking to feel relaxed or feel like you slept during your dental procedure? Nitrous Oxide to the rescue! You may be more familiar with this solution, which is also known as “laughing gas”. The non-toxic gas is administered to the patient through a mask placed over the nose.
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Meet our team leader, Dr. Parekh! Dr. Parekh graduated with a Bachelor of Science and majored in Mathematics and Physical Chemistry with a minor in Astronomy from the University of Toronto. He later graduated with Honors from the University of Western Faculty of Dentistry in 1996. Dr. Parekh lives by the business philosophy of dentistry prevention. He
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Understanding what treatment option you are choosing is fundamental to your dental health! Your dentist should hopefully explain all of the available options, the pros and cons and the investment associated with each. For example, you may have the choice to have a removable denture to replace multiple teeth. The option could be to have
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People often turn to teeth whitening to enhance their smile. It’s typically a simple dental cosmetic procedure with our in office or a take home kit. However, it is important to consider the possibility of sensitivity that can develop when whitening your teeth. During your teeth whitening procedure your teeth can become sensitive to cold
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The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is responsible for connecting your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. This is a very important responsibility! It can lead to various side effects if there are problems with the TMJ. Although the disorder of TMJ can be difficult to diagnose, some warning signs and symptoms include: Pain in
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We’ve all seen, if not experienced, the puffy cheeks associated with having your wisdom teeth removed. Have you ever thought about why exactly this happens? Having these teeth removed can feel like a traumatic experience, especially since everyone’s body recovers differently. Your body’s first response post procedure is to heal the extraction site. This is
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Have you noticed little bumps or ridges along the edge of your child’s new adult teeth? Sometimes parents worry that their is a problem with these newly grown teeth. Do not panic – these edges are completely normal! These grooves have a special name called “Mamelons”. They appear because of the way adult teeth develop.
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Many Canadians do not floss their teeth twice daily. Unfortunately, some people only floss right before their dental checkup. The truth is – your dentist can tell the difference. How can your dentist tell? The first sign is if your gums are bleeding. Although there can be other reasons, the main cause tends to be
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A chipped tooth can happen from a variety of different incidents. For example, when you are trying to open a package with your teeth or from eating very hard foods. These are just a few incidents. You should try to fix a chipped tooth as soon as possible to prevent further problems from developing. What
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As the warmer months approach and we pack our bags for summer travels, don’t forget to keep up with your dental care! It can be difficult when you are spending hours in the car eating. You are bound to miss the opportunities to brush and floss! Here are some tooth savers for you and your
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Have you ever wondered what causes bad breath? Even though you may brush your teeth twice a day, you can still be prone to having bad breath. Bad breath is usually caused by the breakdown of food. However, other culprits can include poor dental hygiene, dry mouth, disease infection or use of tobacco and severe
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The Tooth Fairy has become a childhood tradition to mark losing their baby teeth. Parents are always searching for fun and creative ways to use the Tooth Fairy story to celebrate these moments. You can benefit from more than a celebration by putting a spin on the story to help encourage your child’s dental habits.
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Some people think fruit is a healthier alternative to eating sugary treats, like donuts or candy. If you think fruit is a healthier dessert for your oral health, you are correct! Do you know why? Studies have shown that fructose (the sugar contained in fruits) does directly not cause tooth decay, if eaten in small
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Maybe you have heard of gingivitis. But do you know what it really is? It’s the first stage of gum disease caused by plaque. The good news is that its the easiest to treat! If the build up of plaque is not removed by brushing and flossing everyday it can cause irritation of the gums.
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Have you ever wondered why dentist’s sometimes use a big rubber blanket to cover your mouth? Well, they are called Dental Rubber Dams and they come with many advantages. The rubber dam is a thin sheet of rubber that is used to isolate the tooth that needs work. Here are a few benefits of using
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It’s important to start taking care of your teeth from an early age. Learning good oral hygiene habits as a child – from how to brush to flossing correctly, goes a long way!  Children should brush their teeth twice a day using a soft bristled toothbrush. Don’t forget that their toothbrush should be replaced every
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You may think all cavities are caused by eating candy or sugar. It’s been a known fact for over 50 years that sugar alone doesn’t cause cavities! So how do we get them? There are 4 Main Components that cause cavities: Sugar Bacteria Susceptible Tooth Time Sugar can been also referred to as refined carbohydrates.
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Your baby’s first tooth is an important milestone in their life! However, teething can be scary for parents, especially when they are not sure what to expect.    Here are some great tips to prep you and your baby for the arrival of new teeth! New teeth begin to arrive around 6 months old New
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If you have recently had your teeth whitened, you know you love the feeling of having that beautiful white smile! Over time, as your teeth are exposed to food or drinks your teeth can lose that healthy white appearance. Things such as wine, colas, coffee and tobacco have a significant effects on keeping your teeth
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Whenever you address a problem early, you’ll be able to solve it better than waiting until later on! If we let a problem go on for too long, the chances are it well become much worse. You’ll also spend more money and time trying to fix it! The same goes for orthodontic care. Children should
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The purpose of saliva in our mouths is to maintain a moist environment. The flow of saliva increases when we eat, which helps us to chew and swallow our food. Saliva also has a good benefit to our oral health. It releases a neutralizing acid to help lower the pH level of our mouth when
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Did you know that a crack in your tooth can be so small that even an x-ray can miss it? Although small, you can most certainly feel it! This may be a case of Cracked Tooth Syndrome. This happens when a crack in your tooth is very small (sometimes under the gum). Most often we
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As we age, our dental health and care becomes increasingly important. With your permanent teeth in place, you want them to be strong, clean and last as long as possible. A few conditions to be aware of as an adult are: Gum Disease: Bacterial plaque can build up on your teeth if you neglect to
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Are you a first-time parent and are unsure what age your child(ren) should see the dentist? What parents don’t realize is that oral health care starts as soon as your baby is born. After breast or bottle feeding you should take a clean and soft baby cloth gently massage and wipe your baby’s gums; wiping
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Do you have a good oral care routine? If you are brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing, you are on the right track! However, you can take it to the next level by adding in mouthwash. Mouthwash can help wash away loosened plaque and other debris from after brushing your teeth. If you
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Bonding is primarily a cosmetic dentistry procedure. It is when a composite resin (plastic) is applied to a tooth that may be decayed, chipped, fractured or discoloured. It can also help make teeth appear longer or be used as an alternative to amalgam fillings. The procedure can be completed in a single visit. Bonding is
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It is a common habit for babies and toddlers to suck on their thumb or “thumb suck”. How does this behaviour affect their teeth as they get older? Thumb sucking or finger sucking is acceptable for infants. According to the American Dental Association, it is a natural reflex for an infant that started in his
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Maybe your teeth have yellowed over time due to age. Or your daily coffee intake has stained your teeth. There are countless reasons for wanting to whiten your teeth. Tooth colour can vary from person to person – just like hair colour. Surface stains can be created from: Natural aging Tobacco use Drinking coffee/tea or
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You have heard your dentist’s warnings about cavities from a young age. Avoiding sugar and brushing your teeth are general good prevention tips. Do you know exactly what a cavity is? Cavities are also known as tooth decay. This happens when bacteria produce acids that destroy your tooth’s enamel. Cavities can form based on what
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Teeth whitening is employed for tooth surface stain removal and discolouration. For teeth whitening, there are various options and products which can be used at home or at a dentist’s office. But after whitening, many people experience teeth sensitivity. Majority of the patients suffer from tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity after the external
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Perhaps the problem stems from a bad dream or an unconscious bad habit. Either way, you can rest assured that it is not uncommon for parents to be concerned about their children grindingor clenching their teeth. The first indication is the noise created by the child grinding their teeth when sleeping. Or, the parent may notice their child’s teeth starting to wear
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Parents are always concerned about their child’s health, including their dental health! Tooth pain can be unbearable at an early age, so they should follow the guidelines that their dentist suggests. Most dentists worldwide recommend that children should seek orthodontic care as early as age 6 or 7 years old.   Stages of Orthodontic Treatment
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A thesis has emerged from Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden outlining the importance of teaching children about healthy habits, and the effect that these habits will have on their future health, appearance, and overall well-being. The results of a sub study conducted on 271 preschool and primary school aged children suggest without surprise that the children
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Have you ever wonder how people from the past clean their teeth? The toothbrush that you know today was only created around 1938 when DuPont conglomerate invented nylon. In the past people had to be creative and resourceful to brush and clean their teeth. Around 3500-3000 BC, Egyptians and Mesopotamians used toothpicks to remove food
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Primary teeth are as important as permanent teeth. So when your child’s tooth is sensitive, painful, inflamed, chipped or cracked with the pulp unprotected, it’s time to go to the dentist! Generally, Root Canal treatment is recommended for children to save and keep their teeth intact instead of prematurely removed. For kids, root canal treatment
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When you don’t produce enough saliva in your mouth, you are more prone to have dry mouth. Most people have experienced dry mouth in their lifetime. Though, it is often temporary due to dehydration or breathing dry air. Nevertheless, some people have a chronic dry mouth, which means these people have a drier mouth on
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Are you worried about having metal braces in your teens? Well, you don’t have to worry about the physical appearance of braces anymore! With Invisalign Teen, teenagers can now have straight teeth without using metal braces. Teenagers can be self-conscious about what they look at their school and what their peers will say about them. Having
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Are you conscious of the space or gaps between your teeth? Filling an unattractive gap in your teeth, particularly your front teeth, can have a huge effect on your smile and your general appearance. A gap or space between teeth is called a Diastema. It usually appears between the two upper front teeth, but it
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Wisdom teeth or the third molars are the last four of your 32 teeth to grow. You can see them erupt at the end of the lower and upper gums, right in the back of your mouth. Usually, wisdom teeth shows around late adolescence or early adulthood stage, specifically between 17 and 25 years of age.
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Do you feel nervous and anxious when thinking about dental visits? According to statistics, about 40 percent of Canadian citizens have some fear of going to the dentist. So, if you’re one of them, don’t fret because dental anxiety is manageable. Here at Dr. Parekh and Associates, we strive to help you improve your oral
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If you feel that you’re past the age of improving your smile or teeth alignment and you can’t bear the idea of wearing metal braces, Invisalign aligners can be the answer to your dilemmas. Here at Dr. Parekh and Associates, we provide Invisalign services that can help treat your malocclusion problems. Invisalign is an arrangement
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Nowadays, dentistry is not just about taking out or filling in teeth. If you want people to notice your smile and overall appearance, you can rely on Cosmetic Dentistry. Here at Dr. Parekh and Associates, we offer different cosmetic dentistry services. Cosmetic dentistry can help you have an impressive smile and perfect teeth, as well as
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Do you have misaligned, cracked, misshapen, stained or chipped teeth? Here at Dr. Parekh and Associates in Alliston, we offer cosmetic dentistry services that can improve the colour and the shape of your teeth, and one of these services includes dental veneers. A dental veneer is a type of dental cosmetic procedure that can help
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No matter the age of a person, dental care is a crucial component to maintain overall health. Teeth can last a lifetime if you properly care for them. Here at Dr. Parekh and Associates, we ensure that our patients regardless of age receive all the best services that can keep their mouth healthy. Here are
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When you see the word Botox, the first thought is usually about smoothening out the wrinkles on your face. While the facial and skin care use of Botox is widely and commonly known, these days, Botox is also used for dentistry. Here at Dr. Parekh and Associates, we provide Therapeutic Botox services that can help
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It is important to visit a dentist at least twice a year for regular checkups. However many people avoid or neglect their appointments due to busy schedules, general fear or forgetting the reasons it is important in the first place! At Dr. Parekh & Associates, we advise you to face your fears and schedule your regular dental
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Optimal dental care is essential for everyone’s health. In Canada, and around the world, tooth decay is one of the major oral health problems that people encounter in their lives. To prevent decay, at Dr. Parekh and Associates, we support the use of fluoride in water. Fluoridation of water is an effective way to prevent
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During pregnancy, it is essential that you take care of your oral cavity. Why? Well, it’s because pregnancy causes changes in the hormones of your body, making you more susceptible to developing gum disease. Here at Dr. Parekh and Associates, we ensure that our patients know the essential tips that can help maintain optimum oral
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Biting your nails can be a hard habit to break. Sometimes we grow out of this, but for those of you still biting – it can lead to some trouble. Chewing on your nails can take a toll on your teeth. Sometimes if you bite through a nail hard enough, your teeth can hit together
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A cleft lip and palate are birth defects that can happen because the baby’s lip or mouth does not develop properly during pregnancy. The upper lip is split and there is a lack of tissue for the lip to join. There are a few oral issues that can result due to a cleft lip or
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Mastering Oral Hygiene: Expert Tips for a Beautiful Smile  Hello, fellow dental enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to explore the world of oral hygiene, because having a great smile is something we all aim for.  The Morning Routine: Start Your Day Right When you wake up, head to the bathroom. Begin your day with a splash
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Introduction: Hey, folks! Let’s have a casual chat about something that might not be the highlight of our calendars – dental health. Regular dental check-ups might not be the most exciting thing, but they’re essential for keeping your smile in check. In this blog post, we’ll break down the basics of those routine dentist visits
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